Direct Mail A Proven Performer

As marketing has evolved, so has direct mail advertising. With advances in technology and consumer analytics, smart business owners realize the value of using every type of advertising to reach their target markets. As the old adage goes, “Advertising doesn’t cost – it pays.” Nothing could be truer, as today’s consumers are bombarded by online popup ads nearly every minute. Simply stated, direct mail stands out. And a direct mail services firm can help local and national businesses reach their target audiences.

Direct Mail Marketing Remains Effective

Direct mail advertising continues to be one of the most powerful tools that savvy business owners utilize. Direct mail can be personalized (even appearing handwritten), targeted to the right potential consumers, and results in a much higher response rate than many other forms of advertising.

Direct mail is a proven performer. According to a top marketing expert, “It’s important to leverage multiple media channels to reach, engage and activate consumers across a variety of touchpoints, but marketers should not overlook the proven and effective channel of the mailbox. While marketers should test and learn from new media, allocating budget away from proven performance drivers like direct mail could prove costly. Achieving the right marketing mix is a challenging task, but by doing so, marketers and brands will be able to better activate consumers with the right deals at the right moments in the channels they prefer,” he added.

All Marketing Strategies Should Utilize Multiple Channels

Direct mail campaigns are an excellent way to complement and reinforce an existing digital marketing campaign. The web is chock full of advertising messages — but mailboxes aren’t. Because of this, there is no better time to launch a direct mail marketing campaign. It will stand out from the crowd.

The Importance of Analytics

Direct mail is an excellent way to reach the target audience and connect with them on a more personal level. But without analyzing the results of a marketing campaign, valuable information can be lost. With data analytics, critical evidence can be gathered to enhance results even more.

Tracking Responses

If the primary goal of a direct mail piece is to encourage phone calls to a business, a unique phone number can be set up and printed on the mailer. If the goal is to get potential customers to go to a business’s website, a unique landing page can be created to track clicks from the campaign.

Return on Investment

It might be surprising to learn that with the plethora of digital marketing and advertising, the return on investment for direct mail campaigns has increased.

Getting Less Mail Lately?

It’s not surprising that most households are getting less mail lately — the overall volume of mail has been decreasing steadily. In fact, in the last fourteen years, the amount of mail has declined nearly fifty percent. This makes it even more important to consider a direct mail marketing campaign. It will stand out and be noticed today more than ever.

Laminated Postcards and Plastic Postcard Mailers Last Longer

Obviously, a laminated postcard is going to make it through the sometimes rigorous postal system better than a flimsy paper mailer. Research has proven that a higher percentage of homeowners will keep laminated or plastic postcard mailers for future reference because they have more substance to them. Even if the product or business is not of immediate interest, it is much more likely they will save it for future reference.

Benefits of Postcards for Direct Mailings

There are numerous benefits to utilizing postcards for direct mailing campaigns:

1.Postcards are six times more likely to be read than a direct mail letter (letters are often thrown out without even being opened)

2.Each piece of mail stands out more since people are receiving less direct mail

3.Standard size postcards are nearly forty percent less expensive than regular sized letters

4.Simple to send (no assembling, stuffing, or sealing required)

Tips for a Successful Postcard Campaign

1.Use the available space for a call to action

2.Keep the copy brief, but large and readable

3.Begin with a compelling headline

4.Include a picture of the website, along with its address

Email Marketing Versus Direct Mail

It’s can be easy for people to delete email solicitations and mark them as spam. So, while some digital marketing is extremely effective, it’s always best to supplement email marketing with direct mail efforts, as well. Nearly two-thirds of Americans have purchased a service or product based on a direct mail advertisement. Especially valued are those pieces with special offers or coupons — they will most likely be saved for future use.

Numbers Prove the Point

Research shows that the response rate for direct mail is over five percent, while the response rate for email solicitations may be less than one percent. Each day, the average consumer in the United States is exposed to thousands of ads. However, when they get a piece of direct mail in their mailbox, it will get their attention.

Include a Coupon for Enhanced Response

Marketing experts believe customers still desire and respond to a special deal. Nearly forty percent are searching daily for coupons. Direct mail coupons can reinforce goodwill with existing consumers or encourage a company’s target market to try its products. There are multiple types of offers, from BOGO (buy one, get one), percent or dollar off, free item with purchase, loyalty programs, etc.

To ensure a direct mail marketing campaign with an integrated coupon is the most effective:

1.Clearly understand the objective of the offer

2.Make sure it’s what the target customers value the most

3.Don’t forget to reinforce the brand message

Direct Mail Reaches Every Age Group

Customers won’t need a computer or smart phone to be targeted successfully with a focused direct mail campaign. No matter their age or comfort level with technology, everyone can get a mail piece out of their mailbox.

Direct mail advertising can offer businesses an effective and cost-efficient way to reach new and existing customers. With the help of a direct mail services company’s expertise, results are only a mailbox away.

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