How Do IoT Systems Works

Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, digital or mechanical machines, objects, etc that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs). These devices have the ability to collect and transfer data about how they operate and details about the information they store. The data is then sent to large cloud servers over the network without requiring human intervention.

How Do IoT Works?

An IoT system consists of web-enabled smart devices, which use embedded systems such as processors, sensors, and communication hardware. Smart devices store information in the form of data. Some devices include mobile phones, microwaves, smart cars, coffee machines, refrigerators, fire alarms, air conditioners, etc.

The sensor in these devices emits data continuously around their surroundings about the working information of the devices. Internet of Things serves as a platform to dump all the collected data by these devices. This platform also includes cloud servers and larger databases. The IoT platforms act on the data and this important data is then used to perform tasks in order to fulfill the needs of the people.

All the data stored in the IoT platforms are not so useful. The devices carefully select the particular data which is relevant to executing an action. This information can detect patterns, recommendations, and problems before they occur. This is how IoT works with smart systems which helps to automate the tasks to provide specific needs to the user.

Major Components of IoT System:

The following are some major components of the IoT, which describe the functioning of the system.


The first component to consider in the IoT technology is the sensors and devices. There are various IoT devices manufacturers available, and these devices are made to connect with the external environment. They collect the data from the surroundings with the help of sensors and store the information. For example, the sensors in your phone like GPS track your location and help you to reach your destination. Camera sensors in your mobile phone sense human movement to click the pictures.


Once the data is collected, the cloud servers process the data. Connectivity is the connection of all IoT devices in the system including sensors, routers, gateways, user applications, and platforms. Connectivity allows you to take control of the IoT system and it is important to select the right connectivity path. The sensors/devices are connected to the clouds by various methods like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LPWAN, cellular, satellite, or directly connected to the internet via ethernet.

Data Processing:

Once the data gets into the cloud, data analysis takes place. The analysis can be as simple or complex according to the data shared by the devices. Even though, the analysis must happen at a fast rate in order to provide better results and take immediate action.

User Interface:

This is the final stage, and it is in direct contact with the user. It gives the output to the user via an alert or a notification. From this, the user will know that his command has been run through the devices. Every IoT devices have a different interface as each device has several task or purpose to complete.


IoT helps people to live and work smarter in order to take complete control of their lives. IoT is one of the most important technology nowadays which helps you to live your life easier by providing communication between you and your electronic devices.

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